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About us

Arneg is international leader in the design, production and installation of equipment for the retail sector


Customisation is what sets us apart.

Refrigerated displays are not all the same and not the only product we have.

That is why we offer customers so much choice. Arneg helps customers turn ideas into reality with products they can get and personalise in order to identify their business and commercial solutions they can tailor to meet their needs. Our vast catalogue is the result of thorough analysis of the characteristics that products need to adapt to different markets.

We know no limits. Customer feedback and continuous development mean that our catalogue is constantly expanding. Our range includes equipment  of all types, refrigeradted cabinets both remote and plug-in, neutral and hot cases, check-out counters and shelving, multicompressor units, thermoinsulated and service doors, lockers. We do also offer installation and maintenance. This vast model range allows us to offer solutions that meet the needs of stores of all kinds.

Created by us, tailored for you

From Idea
To product
For creativity
In daily life

Italian authenticity

We have always promoted Italian style, elegance and tradition that has always been well accepted in Russia since long ago.
Italian style embraces heart and mind, intuition and technology, authenticity and flair for detail.
It also defines the philosophy that, from our earliest beginnings, has driven us to create products that combine performance and sustainability with beauty and design, yet taking into account local peculiarities.


New products and solutions for the market are regularly developed by us.
Thanks to great flexibility and team spirit, we can move from prototype to mass production in brief time.

Our responsiveness can be seen from a continuously changing factory layout as we adapt to the needs of customers while maintaining the highest levels of quality. Rather than relying on established procedures, we go further and redesign production in highly innovative ways.

Craftsmanship remains key to Arneg production.

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The Arneg Group

We value the culture of all countries while maintaining our own unique style.

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Read more about our sources of inspiration.